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Nerf Super Soaker - Torrent
Suggested retail price: 9.99 $
Product code 465F38895L0
Availability: In stock
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Product dimension:
Long: 3 cm
Width: 18 cm
Height: 42 cm
Weight: 0 kg
UPC Product


Pour on the fun with Nerf Super Soaker water blasters! They are favorite outdoor toys for kids and adults, so fill them up and blast into fun that's a splash for everyone 

• This Nerf Super Soaker water blaster unleashes a stream of water from the blaster's barrel 

• Blast into plunger-firing action! Take aim at your targets and push the plunger handle forward to shower them with a soaking blast 

•Easy to use! Submerge the front of the blaster in water, and pull the plunger handle back to fill the tank 

6+ years


Pour on the fun with Nerf Super Soaker water blasters! They are favorite outdoor toys for kids and adults, so fill them up and blast into fun that's a splash for everyone 

• This Nerf Super Soaker water blaster unleashes a stream of water from the blaster's barrel 

• Blast into plunger-firing action! Take aim at your targets and push the plunger handle forward to shower them with a soaking blast 

•Easy to use! Submerge the front of the blaster in water, and pull the plunger handle back to fill the tank 

6+ years


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Each item is sold separately.
Shipped according to a random selection of color or model depending on availability.

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