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Game Uno - No Mercy
Suggested retail price: 15.99 $
Product code 595HWV18
Availability: In stock
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Product dimension:
Long: 9 cm
Width: 4 cm
Height: 12 cm
Weight: 0 kg
UPC Product
UPC Master


The UNO Show 'em No Mercy is our most brutal UNO game yet!

It has a ton more cards with WAY tougher penalties (draw 10 cards anyone?) and new rules that will have players stacking, swapping and drawing more cards than ever before! And there's even a Mercy Rule (yes, we get the irony) if things get too rough. There are two ways to win in this merciless version of the classic game: get rid of all cards OR knock all other players out of the game! Oh and if you manage to get down to one card, don't forget to yell 'UNO!'

7+ years / 2 - 6 players / 15 minutes


The UNO Show 'em No Mercy is our most brutal UNO game yet!

It has a ton more cards with WAY tougher penalties (draw 10 cards anyone?) and new rules that will have players stacking, swapping and drawing more cards than ever before! And there's even a Mercy Rule (yes, we get the irony) if things get too rough. There are two ways to win in this merciless version of the classic game: get rid of all cards OR knock all other players out of the game! Oh and if you manage to get down to one card, don't forget to yell 'UNO!'

7+ years / 2 - 6 players / 15 minutes


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