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Game Filou Chiptou French Version
Suggested retail price: 34.99 $
Product code 34730750
Availability: Out of stock
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Product dimension:
Long: 27 cm
Width: 9 cm
Height: 27 cm
Weight: 1 kg
UPC Product
UPC Master


French version only

Uh oh – the Fox is in the hen house!

In the Filou Chiptou game, the greedy fox is snapping up the chickens and stuffing them into his pockets. But when there are too many chickens, his pants will fall down and the chickens will escape! Roll the die to see how many chickens to add into the fox’s pockets, and push his head one time. Before you know it, the fox will lose his pants and the chickens will roll everywhere! Rescue the chickens and return them to your chicken coop. Be the first player to fill up your coop to win! Can you Catch the Fox?

Action and speed game.


4+ years / 2 to 4 players / 15 minutes


French version only

Uh oh – the Fox is in the hen house!

In the Filou Chiptou game, the greedy fox is snapping up the chickens and stuffing them into his pockets. But when there are too many chickens, his pants will fall down and the chickens will escape! Roll the die to see how many chickens to add into the fox’s pockets, and push his head one time. Before you know it, the fox will lose his pants and the chickens will roll everywhere! Rescue the chickens and return them to your chicken coop. Be the first player to fill up your coop to win! Can you Catch the Fox?

Action and speed game.


4+ years / 2 to 4 players / 15 minutes


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